The undersigned hereby authorizes Blue Brick Title to order a survey on my behalf. I also understand that I have the right to choose my own Surveyor if I wish to do so. Lenders Require a Florida Form 9 Endorsement be issued as part of the Final Loan Title Policy, in order to issue this endorsement a Survey of the property is required. In the event this transaction is not completed and the closing does not take place, regardless of the reasons, I agree to ensure that the surveyor is paid for their service.

I acknowledge and understand that completing a survey of a property takes time and that time can be affected by the weather as well. The delay in the ordering of a survey could result in the survey having to be rushed, which in turn may trigger a rush fee of approximately $100.00 being added to the cost of the survey. Blue Brick Title will not order a survey on my behalf until this authorization is received and that a delay in providing this authorization could cause a delay in closing and/or the addition of a rush fee.

By typing my name below, I acknowledge and understand the statements above and agree to pay the surveyor for their service rendered.